Legal notice concerning the use of social networks -
Holz Feuer Erde Metall Wasser

Legal notice concerning the use of social networks

Data protection

Social networks such as Facebook or Instagram give you the option to choose individual data protection settings. As the server software is closed-source, as a user, you cannot know if the promises of data protection are kept. Since the revelations concerning Cambridge Analytica and the informations published by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, we know that so-called "private" messages and content on commercial social media networks are not safe.
This is why I consider all information and content shared with me on a social network as public information. By sharing an information on social media with me, you give me the non-exclusive and unlimited right to reshare, repulish or publish it in other way.
For the exchange of private messages I recommend to use an open source end-to-end encrypted instant messenger, for exaple you can use the Signal Messenger.